Bog Oak and Redwood Leonardo

5.000 year old  “Bog Oak” recovered from the East Anglian Fells and carefully cut and dried specially for guitars. It is the only native English  timber which has all the properties traditionally required for the best musical instruments. Size, straight grain, density, stiffness etc. It also has  amazing colour, some of it is deep black but some has a range of colour like this guitar. It deserves the Snakewood bindings and red borders.

The top is Sinker Redwood, chosen by us on the spot in California while it was still in huge sections. Redwoods are among the oldest living organisms on earth. This tree would have been several thousand years old before it was felled in about 1900, sunk in the mud of “ Big River” in Mendocino until being discovered and reclaimed about thirty years ago. We have had it for about twenty years. The colours of sinker Redwood can vary enormously, it’s very unusual to find sections all of one colour as dark as this, and the grain pattern is exceptionally fine.

The Leonardo is one of my favourite designs it’s the right size, comfortable, and “modern”

 The colour and timber combination in this guitar is  exceptional.  I’ve never seen another like it.


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